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Unique EU recognition for British Growers Association

The British Growers Association has become the first UK organisation to be formally recognised under EU Regulations as an Association of Producer Organisations, opening up new opportunities to help develop and promote the Producer Organisation (PO) sector in the UK.

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Why charities need to embrace young volunteers

There has never been a better time for charities to embrace a generation of school-aged volunteers, so why do so many young people and children find it so hard to locate meaningful volunteering opportunities?

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SME confidence hits highest levels for three years

Confidence among small and medium-sized businesses stands at its highest level for three years, says the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). The Federation’s Confidence Index, which measures responses from 2,000 owner managers on a quarterly basis, found that four in ten had experienced increased revenues during the previous three months, and that confidence was improving in almost all sectors across the UK.

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David Cameron seeks the best small firms in the land

In a move to encourage entrepreneurial activity and enhance its reputation among SMEs, the Conservative Party has launched a campaign to find the best small firms and entrepreneurs in the UK. Anyone can nominate their favourite local company, whether it’s a florist, grocery store, restaurant or marketing agency! Just head to Your Favourite Smal Business to complete the form and nominate your favourite local business.

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