Governance is crucial in ensuring your association is legally compliant, ethical and acting in the best interest of its members, industry or sector and the wider community.
CJAM are expert in helping you make sure your documentation and processes are in the best shape. We’ll help you conform to regulatory requirements and keep you abreast of any changes that affect your association. We understand the complex and diverse organisational structure of not-for-profits and the sensitive reporting framework.

What we can help with:
Our governance team is led by Christine Joyce, who has been working with associations for over 20 years. Christine has helped establish and maintain innumerable not-for-profits, including helping them chose the right orgnisational status and even transitioning some of them to become charities. That includes drafting and gaining approvals of Memorandums of Articles, Articles of Association and establishing Statutory reporting frameworks.
Christine is supported by CJAM’s Finance and Compliance Director, Laura Smith, who has over 20 years’ experience in financial statement presentation, general ledger activity, budget development and treasury management. Laura is an ACCA qualified accountant, who gained Fellowship Status in 2013, she also has a BA in Business Studies. You can find out more about her team here > team
Legal/Records Retention:
CJAM is a trusted record-keeper for its full range of clients. In addition to conforming to legislative standards, CJAM is also entrusted with physical records and assets. Our secure storage is as trusted as our regulatory compliance standards.
CJAM is ICO-registered as data processors and controllers and our GDPR consultant is the only non-lawyer participating in the Information Commissioner’s Office’s GDPR working committee, and a specialist in association compliance.