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Heseltine Review: A new partnership for growth

On Tuesday, 31st October the Heseltine Review was published. The report “No Stone Unturned in Pursuit of Growth“ was conducted by Lord Heseltine and published by the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

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Introducing #MembershipMonday

CJAM is pleased to announce the launch of #MembershipMonday, a rapid and efficient way to engage with members. Using the new hashtag, we hope to encourage membership organisations and associations throughout the country to discuss their challenges and share best practice examples. Every Monday, we’ll invite membership organisations to interact and provide hints, tips and advice from our association management and marketing specialists.

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HMRC increases minimum wage and introduces real time PAYE reporting

HMRC officials have increased the UK’s National Minimum Wage (NMW) for adults and apprentices. The changes, effective from 1st October 2012, will see approximately one million of Britain’s lowest paid workers benefit from pay increases. The adult NMW has increased by 11p to £6.19 per hour, while the apprentice rate has increased by 9p to £2.65 per hour. The rates for 18-20 year olds and 16-17 year olds remain unchanged.

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Outsourcing offers cost-effective means of growing a business

We read some interesting outsourcing news this week: a Bristol-based firm, Alago, is thriving while outsourcing every element of its business. The firm sells heated gloves for sport and leisure and has distributors in five countries, but employs just person – its founder Tony Curtis. He actively outsources everything from research and development through to design, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, accounting and of course marketing. Even the company address is virtual, and a telephone answering company responds to calls.

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The benefits of public speaking

Association professionals are often called upon to speak at events. While it can be intimidating, public speaking is a highly valuable skill to possess, and those who learn to leverage it effectively will often establish themselves as experts or thought leaders, which in turn helps to grow membership and raise the profile of their organisation.

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Pensions Auto Enrolment

From October 2012 the largest employers will have to comply with Pensions Auto Enrolment. Employers will have to identify eligible jobholders and advise them of the employer’s obligations under the legislation. The staging date for those with more modest workforces may be some years off. Staging dates for all employers can be found by visiting the link below.

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Fundraising through iPads reaches new levels of sophistication

Raising funds for charity via iPads has hit the news pages again this summer as Fundraising Initiatives launched its new mobile-optimised, face-to-face fundraising solution to a packed audience of third sector professionals at the National Convention 2012. More than 2,000 delegates gathered to hear the latest in best practice techniques, with raising funds through iPads a hot topic of conversation.

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How much does the voluntary sector contribute to employment – and where are these jobs located?

The third sector not only provides services and harnesses voluntary action, but also employs a growing number of people. There is growing interest, from government and elsewhere, in the contribution that voluntary organisations make to society and communities – and this includes their contribution to paid employment. New TSRC research has been examining this contribution, estimating the number and distribution of people working in the voluntary sector using data from the National Survey of Third Sector Organisations (NSTSO 2008) in England.

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Measuring the value of social media

Monitoring social media campaigns is vital to managing reputation and gaining meaningful business and brand insights. How best to measure the value of these campaigns is a hotly debated subject among PR and marketing professionals, particularly when it comes to securing support from senior management. Defining clear business and marketing objectives is therefore essential, as is gathering smart data to demonstrate positive outcomes.

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