BSAS – Video interview series
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CJAM communications and marketing team worked with the board of the Board of the British Society of Animal Science to create a series of interview clips surrounding the society’s response to the crisis and the wider implications of the pandemic on the industry.
The video series incorporated an interviewer from CJAM with extensive broadcast interview experience with paired board members to create a dialogue stream that was then edited and sequentially posted and promoted to members and followers on social media.
Filmed using a Zoom recording (owing to social distancing restrictions), we were able to interview six board members in a week, gleaning off key messages pertaining to the society’s continued championing of animal science in the face of adversity, providing added member value and insight into how the organisation was responding to the changing demands of members and the new challenges faced by the society, including the cancellation of their annual conference.