As the association landscape evolves, one of the most significant shifts to consider is the…
New Chief Executive at TSA
Dr Philip Wright has been appointed as chief executive to the Textile Services Association (TSA) with immediate effect.
Wright brings to the TSA over 20 years’ experience in membership and trade associations with a particular focus on strategy, regulation and public affairs. He takes over from Dr Roger Salmon who has been interim CEO since January 2015, and will continue to assist with the transition.
Julian Carr, chairman of the TSA Board and operations director hospitality at Berendsen, commented: “I’m delighted that Philip has joined the TSA as our new chief executive. I also want to thank Roger Salmon for his excellent stewardship as interim CEO. With Philip’s appointment we have a real opportunity to raise the profile of our services to our customers, supply partners and in the wider commercial environment. It’s also important that, from the current foundations, we can increase awareness of our role and ensure value for the investment and commitment by our Members to the TSA.”
If you would like to read more, please click here.