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Sunday Trading Bill receives Royal Assent for Olympic Games
The Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Bill has now received Royal Assent. The Act suspends restrictions on large shops’ Sunday trading hours for eight weeks from 22 July to 9 September 2012 during the London Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The provisions of the Act mean that shops with a relevant floor area of more than 280 square metres will not be subject to current Sunday trading restrictions during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. After this period, the current Sunday trading restrictions will apply again.
The Act also temporarily reduces the usual notice period for retail workers to opt out of Sunday working from three months to two months. This was inserted due to concern that shop workers in large shops would not have sufficient time after Royal Assent to opt out of Sunday working in time for the start of the suspension period, should they wish to do so.
The suspension will apply in England and Wales. Scotland does not have Sunday trading legislation. Northern Ireland has its own Sunday trading legislation and it is not proposed to alter that legislation.